Accessing CLASSE web pages in Sequoia If you get an error report similar towhile attempting to access a CLASSE web page Select System Settings... from the menu ...
Computer Security Issues Computers are under constant attack: 15 30 infections/day at Cornell which "phone home" * Active * Probing for active accounts ...
Firefox Browser Log in to CLASSE web pages with Kerberos ticket (preset on CLASSE managed Linux and Windows machines) Please see ClasseAuthentication for more in...
Introduction Foswiki An enterprise, open source web application that allows users to create and collaboratively edit web pages via any web browser. http://foswik...
. Introduction to CLASSE IT * CLASSE IT team and computing environment * General philosophy * User services Who We Are Devin Bougie Deputy IT Direct...
Mac Support at CLASSE Useful Links * Remote Access to CLASSE Macintosh Computers * Macintosh Standard Software Installs * Printing from macOS * Acces...
Macintosh User Pages * CLASSE Management of macOS Computers * Accessing CLASSE web pages in Sequoia * Outside Support * Setting up an Macintosh repai...
Old LEPP SupportedHardware and Network Status 2004 2010 _This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2004 2010. If you know of or a...
New User Orientation to CLASSE Computing Welcome to CLASSE! The information below is covered in our CLASSE New User Orientation Video and is available at http...
NewSiteOrganization * Research organized by area, not experiment. Experiments (CESR, CLEO, ERL, CMS, etc.) are projects within research areas. * SiteUserExpe...
April 2, 2012 Today's topics: Scientific Linux 6 As previously announced, LEPP is continuing the upgrade from SL5 to SL6 wherever possible. This week we will b...
December 7th, 2015 Today's topics: Internet Explorer 11 for CLASSE Managed Windows Computers How does this affect me? * CLASSE IT supports Firefox for all we...
January 28, 2013 Today's topics: Requesting Computers and Computer Accounts The LEPP Web site includes links to many useful Web and Wiki pages. When new arrival...
Compaq OpenVMS e Business Note: All CLASSE VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017. The information below is obsolete. Compaq OpenVMS e Business Infrastr...
Deprecated 2015 11 06 Website Guidelines A Word to the Fore This is, unabashedly, an advocacy piece, which explains the principles that guided the design of t...
Creating personal web pages on the CLASSE server Creating your own Web Pages The CLASSE server supports personal Web pages for users with accounts on the CLASSE ...
Computing Policy Information Computing Guidelines * Common Sense and Computer Use at CLASSE appropriate and inappropriate uses of CLASSE computers. * Campu...
Posting software problems at Cornell: CSLG L Posting software problems at Cornell CSLG L Folks, The old mailing lists, DEC CONSULT L and DEC DSN L have been disco...
Printing from a Public Linux system at CLASSE This page contains instructions on printing from a public linux system at CLASSE. All of CLASSE's printers should b...
Printing from a Public Solaris system at LEPP This page contains instructions on printing from a public solaris system at LEPP using LPR. The LEPP printers are N...
Printing from a Public Unix system at LEPP This page contains instructions on printing from a public unix system at LEPP using LPR. All of LEPP's printers should...
LEPP TWiki server upgrade and reorganization On Wednesday May 31, at 16:00 EDT, was be unavailable for two hours. This is required for a se...
Open Source Software Collection CD ROM README Open Source Software Collection for Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (This is the html version of /mnt/README) Greetings Welcom...
Open Source Software Collection CD ROM README Open Source Software Collection for Tru64 UNIX V5.1A (This is the html version of /mnt/README) Greetings Welcom...
Deprecated 2015 11 06 Publishing Web Pages at LEPP Information about publishing your own Web pages using LEPP servers can be found in the following locations: ...
Web Content at CLASSE There are several tools and solutions to providing both public and private web pages at CLASSE. Public Web Servers Public web servers provi...
"Dear $firstname, Your CLASSE computer account has been created as: Username: $classeid First name: $firstname Last Name: $lastname You must activate your CLAS...
Dear /given name/ , Your CLASSE computer account has been created as: Username: /userid/ First name: /given name/ Last Name: /family name/ You must activate you...
Wiki Introduction For a list of available wikis, please see ClasseWikis. For the official Foswiki documentation, please see System.WelcomeGuest. CLASSE Wiki Th...