CESR Damping Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA)
This is the homepage of the CesrTA Collaboration which is carrying out R&D for the design of future Linear Collider Damping Rings.
- The next CESR Test Accelerator Run is scheduled to begin April 2016.
- The next CesrTA Collaboration meeting will take place Tuesday, April 19 at 5PM US EST.
The CESR-c/CLEO-c high energy physics program concluded on March 3, 2008. Since that time, the LEPP accelerator group has converted CESR to a configuration suitable for ILC Damping Ring (ILCDR) research, CesrTA. CesrTA offers an effective and economical route to meet a number of critical ILCDR R&D needs, in particular, for the evaluation of electron cloud effects and their amelioration in wigglers. Because CesrTA is able to operate with positrons, this will be a complementary effort to work presently underway at the Advanced Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK.
The baseline configuration for the ILC damping rings was initially chosen to be a single ~6.7 km ring for electrons and two ~6.7 km rings for positrons. The choice of two rings for positrons was driven by concerns about the electron cloud instability as determined from detailed simulations. More recently, based on promising simulations for electron cloud mitigation techniques in dipoles and wigglers, the Reference Design Report configuration has been modified to a single ring for positrons.
This makes the demonstration of suitable electron cloud mitigation techniques extremely critical during the ILC Engineering Design Report(EDR) phase between now and the end of 2009. Thus we propose to use CesrTA to determine how the development of the electron cloud depends on beam parameters, local magnetic fields, and vacuum chamber design. We will place a special emphasis on exploring electron cloud mitigation techniques in the CESR-c damping wigglers which form the basis for the ILC damping wiggler design. Electron cloud instability thresholds will also be measured. A comparison of the measurements with the simulation results will be used to validate the models that are the basis of the ILC damping ring design and help to insure that viable solutions to the electron cloud problem are implemented.
An experimental program to understand the relevant electron cloud physics requires a positron beam, very small vertical emittance, and high field damping wigglers. Flexibility of the bunch structure of the positron beam is essential to explore the dependence of the electron cloud density on bunch spacing and train length. Ideally, the zero current limit of the vertical emittance should be comparable to the specifications of the ILC damping ring so that we will be sensitive to emittance diluting effects of the interaction with the electron cloud. Simulations indicate that, in the absence of techniques to suppress the electron cloud and with small vertical aperture vacuum chambers, the equilibrium density in a damping ring will typically be highest in the wigglers. We propose to test these predictions in detail using the large aperture CESR-c wigglers.
CESR-c represents the only operational wiggler-dominated storage ring and the CESR-c superferric wigglers have been designated as the technology choice of the ILC damping rings RDR configuration. The CesrTA concept envisions placing the 12 CESR-c wigglers in zero-dispersion locations in the ring for ultra-low emittance operation. 6 of the 12 wigglers will be located in an 18 meter straight section (the former north interaction region) which will facilitate the installation of vacuum diagnostics for the study of electron cloud effects as well as vacuum chambers designed to suppress the cloud effects in wigglers. This section will also provide a location for testing a prototype of the final ILC damping wigglers.
The following table provides a set of baseline parameters for CesrTA operation:
Parameter |
Value |
E |
2.0 GeV |
No. Wigglers |
12 |
Bmax |
2.1 T |
εx |
2.25 nm |
Qx |
0.59 |
Qy |
0.63 |
Qz |
0.098 |
σE/E |
8.6 x 10-4 |
τx,y |
47 ms |
σz |
6.8 mm |
αp |
6.4 x 10-3 |
Nb |
1-2 x 10^10 |
We are presently targeting vertical emittances in the 20pm range as part of the reduced scope CesrTA program. Preliminary evaluations of beam-based alignment techniques suggest that it should be possible to approach these levels. We are presently exploring the impact of beam dynamics effects leading to emittance growth for finite current beams. Our goal is to be able to operate with bunch currents corresponding to the ILC damping ring specification for electron cloud growth measurements and to explore the impact of the electron cloud on ultra low emittance beams using detailed witness bunch studies.
CesrTA Operations and R&D
Experimental Activities
Engineering Resources
Meeting Pages
Please note: Access to some meeting pages is restricted to CesrTA Collaboration members. If you are not a collaboration member, please send an
email requesting to be added to the membership list. We will try to quickly respond to all such requests.
Collaborator Resources
- Visitor Forms to be completed by collaborators coming to Cornell for experiments
- Accommodations for visiting collaborators
- Register on the CU-LEPP International Linear Collider Wiki
- CesrTA Collaboration Mailing List:
- An email list has been set up to assist communication and co-ordination for the CesrTA collaboration. Click on the subscribe link below to join the list. You should send the email from the address that you wish to be subscribed. Anyone who is subscribed can send email to the list at cesrta-collaboration-l@list.cornell.edu. You can unsubscribe by means of the unsubscribe link below.
- Subscribe - Please make sure the body of your message is blank
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Reports and Publications
Cost Account Manager and Coordinator Resources (some pages are restricted access)
Phase III proposal
- Phase III Project Description: The proposal for Cesr-TA Phase III is part of a larger, comprehensive proposal for accelerator physics research at Cornell.
Advisory Committee CesrTA Program Review (September 11, 2012)
An advisory committee reviewed the CesrTA program on September 11, 2012 at Cornell. Presentations can be found
Joint NSF and DOE Review (July 16-17, 2007)
A review of the CesrTA Proposal by NSF and DOE was conducted July 16-17 in Washington, DC. Presentations can be found on the review
February 2008
Impact Statement describing the changes and impacts of the de-scoping from the original proposal.
De-scoped proposal
Selected Talks and Presentations
ILC Damping Ring Links and Resources
Working Areas (Obsolete)
- CesrTA Weekly Project Meetings
- Members and Assignments
- ILC Accelerator R&D Meetings are held every Thursday at 3pm in the Wilson Small Conference Room. All are welcome!
- Presentations Area for posting of presentations for the weekly ILC Accelerator R&D Meetings
This topic: ILC/CesrTA
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Topic revision:
02 Oct 2019, DavidRubin

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