CBETA wiki


Primary Project Goal

The primary project goal is to provide 4 pass acceleration of 1 mA beam to 150 MeV, then decelerate in 4 passes and dump.

The energies are defined as follows:

Final Project Report

CBETA Systems

Supporting System Documentation

Project Phases

Fractional Arc Test ✅

Pre-Beam System Tests

Four Turn Commissioning

  1. tao.init (37.70 KB)
  2. Commands2.tao (617.00 B)
  3. VaryQuads.tao
  4. cbeta_4p_Dec05_2019_will.lat (352.05 KB)
    • Instructions:
      • get the present values of the quad's gradients 'caget MER2QUA01 _field' by going to the epics control system: ssh -X erpopr@erp201
      • 1. run tao
      • call VaryQuads.tao
      • call Commands2.tao
      • run (runs 100 steps
      • In the case that you want to change the number of quads to vary you have to edit the Commend2.tao where you can ask:
        • use var q.r2[4:8] (this line can pick the quads you want: for example use var q.r2[6:8] will var RXQUA03, RXQUA02, and RXQUA01 at the end of the RX line.
          use dat twiss.la_will[7:12] This line says that from 7--> 12 in the twiss.la_will the contraints for aplha_x, aplha_y, beta_x, beta_y, dipersion at the end of the MR1DIP01 /3 (4, 5) and the dipersion prime to be all zero

KPP Commissioning

Future EIC studies with CBETA

Future non-EIC studies with CBETA

CBETA Reports

CBETA Web Utilities

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Topic revision: 02 Apr 2020, michnoff
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