AppsAnywhere Cloudpaged software on CLASSE Managed Windows computers How do I use it? AppsAnywhere is primarily licensed for use on CLASSE computers only. For pe...
CLASSE Duo: Two Factor Authentication In light of the increased threat posed by ransomware and account compromises, CLASSE is adopting the use of Duo two factor a...
CLASSE IT International Travel Guide CLASSE recommendations for the traveler with a computer Do not take your primary laptop computer with you. * Especially...
Data Stewardship Important files must be stored on reliable file servers CLASSE maintains more than a dozen multi terabyte RAID file servers. They'll reliably st...
IT Support for CLASSE The CLASSE IT group has developed an extensive IT infrastructure and a suite of IT services to support the diverse research and administrati...
Java Web Application Development Java Java EE / Jakarta EE (Java EE 9 ) is the java specification for developing web applications and services. Currently, all C...
Bringing Networked Devices to CLASSE Please register your personally owned devices with Cornell's Red Rover or Eduroam wireless networking services, not here. Re...
Remotely access and control your Mac 1 Use ScreenConnect 2 Use Screen Sharing 1 Both Macs have to be on the same network; if you are offsite, use Prit...
Mac Support at CLASSE Useful Links * Remote Access to CLASSE Macintosh Computers * Macintosh Standard Software Installs * Printing from macOS * Acces...
Access from Windows to Central Filesystems For a comprehensive list of available filesystems, please see
CLASSE Network and System Status This page contains information on issues currently under investigation. If you know of or are experiencing any other problems, p...
Old LEPP Network Status Notices 2011 2013 This page contains information on issues that were under investigation in 2011 2013. If you know of or are experiencing...
New User Orientation to CLASSE Computing Welcome to CLASSE! The information below is covered in our CLASSE New User Orientation Video and is available at http...
April 8, 2013 Today's topics: Matlab 2013a License Server Upgrade PC176, the Matlab license server at CLASSE, will be upgraded at 10:00 AM Tuesday, 4/9. During t...
April 15th, 2013 Today's topics: LEPP Matlab Upgrade to 2013a LEPP currently uses Matlab 2010a as the standard Matlab deployment. This version is now 3 years old...
December 10,2012 Today's topics: CLASSE userid and password needed for Lab. IT Changes As the Lab. makes a transition from autonomous LEPP and CHESS IT environm...
February 3rd, 2014 Today's topics: VPN outage Tuesday at 10AM 11AM We will be migrating the VPN endpoint of the CLASSE VPN from a legacy server to a clustered se...
February 23, 2015 Today's topics: VPN Upgrade March 3rd 10AM The CLASSE VPN will have a 30 minute outage starting at 10AM for updates to the server. As part of t...
January 14th, 2013 Today's topics: RedRover wireless, VPN, SAMBA, and CLASSE login training The "LNS Protected" wireless network has been shut down in Wilson Lab...
Monday, May 13, 2013. Today's topics: CLASSE Windows License Server outage (PC176) Tuesday at 10AM We will be migrating the CLASSE Windows License server (PC176...
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Today's topics: CLASSE Wiki Server Upgrade, May 27 On Monday, May 27, the CLASSE Wiki server will be upgraded to new software and hardware...
Friday, November 2nd, 2012 Today's topics: Java for Kronos Under Firefox The LEPP preferred browser for running Kronos is Firefox. If Kronos complains that Java ...
Monday November 25, 2013 Today's topics: Campus network outage Sunday, December 1 On Sunday, December 1st between 5:00am and 12:00pm CIT Network Engineering will...
NoMachine For instructions specific to CHESS Remote Operations, please see CHESS.RemoteUserGuide. Available NoMachine servers and options for new installations. ...
Printing at CLASSE This page contains information on printing at CLASSE. General Information * IMPORTANT: To print to a CLASSE printer, you must be on a CLAS...
Printing from Mac OS X This page contains instructions for printing from Mac OS X. Printing from a Macintosh is the same whether you are using a desktop machine ...
Subversion CLASSE supports a central Subversion repository available over HTTPS at . For a new area for your project or group, o...
CLASSE IT 2024 Summer Student Guide Welcome to the CLASSE 2024 REU, SERCCS, SUnRiSE, and PREM programs. This how to guide will get you started with IT resources a...
What you should expect from a CLASSE managed system Computers provided by or purchased through CLASSE are the property of Cornell University. The CLASSE IT Group ...
CLASSE Password Requirements CLASSE has the same password requirements as does Cornell's central IT organization. See
Windows 10 Printing CLASSE Managed CLASSE Domain computers running Windows 10 will create printer queues for you automatically when you login. If the printer you...
ZeroTier Always on Virtual Private Network We will be introducing a new always on VPN service called ZeroTier, which will replace Pritunl on CLASSE managed laptop...