Magnet System Supporting Documentation
This area provides a range of documentation associated with the ILC Damping Ring Magnets including wigglers. Please note that kickers and septa for the damping rings have been designated as part of the injection/extraction sub-systems (
Component Spec Sheets,
Supporting Docs) as opposed to the magnet sub-system. Also note that, while the initial version of the damping ring lattice is available, work on the injection and extraction lines is ongoing. Thus the list of magnets required is, at present, incomplete.
DR Magnet Summary
The following table provides the magnet counts presently specified for each of the ILC damping rings (1 electron and 2 positron rings):
OCS V6 Ring Magnet Counts
Magnet Type |
Count |
Comment |
Bends |
126 |
114 6m units and 12 3m units |
Quadrupoles |
747 |
Sextupoles |
504 |
Horizontal Correctors |
150 |
Based on cell counts |
Vertical Correctors |
150 |
Based on cell counts |
Skew Quad Correctors |
240 |
Based on sextupole pair counts |
Wigglers |
80 |
Kickers |
64 |
Septa |
4 |
- Summary spreadsheet of OCS6 magnet information for magnets group
- ILCDR-MagnetPowerCalculation.xls: OCS6 layout magnet power summary spreadsheet (A. Wolski w/updates from M. Palmer, 11/22/2006). Latest changes include addition of the Efremov corrector designs and a bug fix in the quadrupole power calculation introduced in the preceding version. NOTE: This version still assumes individual power supplies located in 4 alcoves and is being used as the basis to scale the equivalent power loads for a bus-based power system with distributed dc-to-dc converters. We intend to have a fully updated design available by mid-January, 2007 (M. Palmer/P. Bellomo).
OCS V2 Ring Magnet Counts
Magnet Type |
Count |
Comment |
Bends |
130 |
110 6m units and 20 3m units |
Quadrupoles |
783 |
Sextupoles |
520 |
Horizontal Correctors |
127 |
Based on Table 3.16 of detailed DR Configuration Recommendation |
Vertical Correctors |
127 |
Based on Table 3.16 of detailed DR Configuration Recommendation |
Skew Quad Correctors |
96 |
Based on Table 3.16 of detailed DR Configuration Recommendation |
Wigglers |
80 |
Kickers |
64 |
Septa |
4 |
Recent Presentations
- Mark Palmer's slides from the ILC Magnets Meeting at SLAC on 4/25/06 (ppt, pdf)
- Jeremy Urban's slides from ILCDR Teleconference Meeting on 5/9/06 (pdf)
CESR-c Wigglers
Power and Control Electronics
- RPPE077.pdf: A Complete System for Operation of a Superconducting Magnet (PAC05)
- Gives a description and block diagram of the power and control electronics for the CESR-c SC wigglers and SC solenoids.
- CESR_SC_Magnet.pdf: CESR-c Superconducting Magnet Electronics
- Part numbers and approximate costs for major electronics components
- RPPE077-45-left.ppt: A Complete System for Operation of a Superconducting Magnet (PAC05 poster, lefthand page)
- Block Diagram nd overall description of the power and control electronics for the CESR-c SC wigglers and SC solenoids (Powerpoint).
- RPPE077-45-right.ppt: A Complete System for Operation of a Superconducting Magnet (PAC05 poster, righthand page)
- Photos of the power and control electronics for the CESR-c SC wigglers and SC solenoids (Powerpoint).
Mechanical Drawings
The following sections provide drawing files for the CESR-c superferric wigglers in various formats.
- 6070-078: CESR-c 8-40 Wiggler Top Level Assembly
- (The order the sub-assy files are listed below follows the order they appear on the parts list in the top level drawing.)
- 6070-009: CESR-c Wiggler: Cryostat Vacuum Vessel Sub-Assy
- 6070-007: CESR-c Wiggler: Outer Radiation Shield Sub-Assy
- 6070-006: CESR-c Wiggler: Suspension Straps Sub-Assy
- 6070-071: CESR-c Wiggler: Cold Mass Vessel Sub-Assy
- 6070-011: CESR-c Wiggler: Beam Pipe Shield Sub-Assy
- 6070-005: CESR-c Wiggler: Beam Pipe Sub-Assy
- 6070-008: CESR-c Wiggler: LHe Stack Sub-Assy
- 6070-029: CESR-c Wiggler: Frame Stand Sub-Assy
These files can be viewed with the
Autodesk DWF Viewer. This viewer can be
downloaded for free from the Autodesk site.
These files will eventually appear so that damping ring collaborators can work with the actual engineering documents. However, it will take some time to configure them properly for general use. Please check back often.
RDR and TDR Development Effort
Go to page for RDR and TDR Collaborators.
Conventional Magnets
- Magnet multipole errors used to simulate damping ring performance were based on the PEP-II magnets. This information is detailed in a talk by Yunhai Cai
- B/Q/S Random & Systematic Multipole Errors in OCS v2 Ring (simulation by Jeremy Urban):

- One key issue is the interface between the conventional magnets and the vacuum chamber. At present, the ILCDR vacuum requirements are being scaled from information at existing facilities, eg, Soleil.
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Topic revision:
23 Nov 2006, MarkPalmer

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